Not falling into the trap of Procrastination


Have you ever started working on something and midway (sometimes not even half of it) you found yourself doing another thing “more important” than that important project due tomorrow? (and of course it’s due tomorrow, you have been procrastinating the last week). If the answer is yes then let me give you my personal experience with procrastination and how I started changing those bad habits for you to start changing yours right this day! <3

My experience: When the quarantine started I felt relieve, I began to feel happier and capable. This changed when school started. 

I began school with little motivation, add this to the different tasks I had to do. The result? Leaving almost everything to the last minute and stressing over it. This is not healthy, that’s why when I saw this in December 2020 I decided to care more about my mental health, and this helped me a lot to feel calm and organize my things better. That’s why my first tip is to keep in check your mental health to see if you need to change something and care more about it,
